Yes, Will Smith is strong. He had quite the morning pull-up routine in I Am Legend if I remember…

But today’s tip comes from  an unlikely place – his advice to Kevin James for going in for the first kiss…

While I prefer the cigar smoking, alien ass-kicking version of Will Smith from Indepence Day, I did find his “90/10” method quite useful… for the bench press…

Heres’ the deal – a big arch is key for a big bench press.  But many athletes have a hard time maintaining that arch through the entire movement.  This is natural as focus wanes and fatigue sets in around the shoulders.

Of course, a strong arch starts in the setup, before you ever unrack the bar… BUT, we can eek out a little extra  at the bottom of the press too!

Check it out:

Expect some lat crampage the first time you try this…

PS – If you’ve got a powerlifting meet on your calendar this year, check this out!