Transform Your Body and Get Stronger Than Ever (From Anywhere) With Online Coaching

"I have accomplished so much more than would
have thought possible."

Zack has exceeded my expectations as a trainer and coach in every regard.  I have already accomplished so much more than I would have thought possible.

Honestly I feel like the online training is just as good as the in-person training was.  I never would have expected that.

I continue to make great progress even after numerous moves - from North Carolina, to D.C., to Argentina, to Savannah.  

I recommend Zack to pretty much everyone I talk to.  I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to train with someone of his caliber.”  

-- Tracy Cook

"The truth is: I can't think of someone better to guide you on
your fitness journey than Zack."

"Not only have I worked with Zack personally, but I’ve also met a lot of the folks that he has coached and they have nothing but great things to say about not only the results they got, but the level of care he brings.

I've known Zack for many years and he has an awesome ability to help you figure out the ideal path that fits in your life and also makes things fun and interesting along the way.

I strongly recommend anyone looking to get stronger and more flexible, while keeping their sanity at the same, to work with Zack... he's the best."

-- Max Shank

"I'm in the best shape of my life and feel amazing!"

“Zack has been an instrumental part of getting my life back.

Throughout our time working together he has always been compassionate about what’s going on in my life and making sure that I was taking care of my mind and body.

From day one Zack has kept me motivated and accountable for my own success. We worked together to set goals and determine what worked for me. I didn’t want to just go to the gym and work out on the elliptical, but had no idea where to start with anything else.

In the past five months working with Zack, I have lost 35 lbs and gone from 32% body fat to 18% body fat. I am in the best shape of my life and feel amazing!”

-- Sheila Howe

What exactly is online coaching?

Everyone deserves personalized support from a coach who cares.

Until recently, the best trainers have also been the hardest to hire, but technology gives us the luxury of choice and now you can work with experts from anywhere.

The online fitness space is filled with flashy influencers and grand promises. 

Who can you trust?

Just like with in-person training, you should go with a coach that you feel comfortable with and who understands your goals.

This is why we start with a no-obligation application and 1-on-1 phone call.

By establishing your goals first, we build true purpose into your program - nothing haphazard.

Make no mistake – this program is about more than just fitness… It’s about the journey and celebration of becoming your best self.

Who is Zack Henderson?

I am, first and foremost, a coach.

Helping people shed pounds, gain strength, and become more confident in their own skin is my passion and career focus.

After experiencing the results of smart training firsthand 15 years ago, I committed to becoming the best coach and trainer I could be.

Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of people from all walks of life discover their potential – a stronger version of themselves.

"I can't wait to see what other PRs are in store for me."

"I honestly cannot find the words to describe how amazing it's been working with Zack. 

With Zack’s coaching and motivation I have been able to get my body fat percentage as low as 19%, obtain numerous powerlifting personal records and even complete 11 weighted pull-ups!!! None of which would have been achieved without Zack’s training regimen.

I am currently training for another powerlifting meet and can’t wait to see what other PRs are in store for me!  

I've added about 70 lbs to my squat, 38 lbs to my bench, and over 100 lbs to my deadlift.

If you’re looking for a trainer with a great personality, someone who’s flexible and extremely knowledgeable… Zack is your guy!”  --- Meghan

"I followed Zack for years, often referring to his amazing (and free!) videos on YouTube and really appreciated his helpful coaching cues.

He coaches competitive strength athletes (including Masters). Plus he's a genuinely kind, fun human!

It was an easy decision to work with him and what a great decision it turned out to be. 

Working with a coach you find on the internet and never met in person can be really challenging -- but working with Zack couldn't be easier nor could it feel more supportive.

From the initial on-boarding to the programming to post-workout reviews and calls, it's just really easy to know what I need to do, when, and how, and to report on how it all went.

Zack's programming is creative, thoughtful, goal-oriented, personalized, and a little bit uncanny. 

The first program included some things I wasn't sure I could do -- he was right then and he continues to accurately predict what will be challenging but achievable.  Rarely do I end a workout feeling anything but fantastic. 

Plus, I've crossed two goals off the list already: "Simple" and the StrongFirst Snatch Test. 

Zack is terrific at encouraging new goals and jumps right in to support them with safe and sane programming. 

I can't wait to see what we can achieve together going forward!" -- Emme

"I could not ask for a better coach!"

"Zack is really setting the bar high for online training.  He has exceeded my expectations.

My favorite part of coaching with Zack that it is collaborative.   I am also getting stronger as I get older and that is a great thing at the age of 51!

I recommend Zack to everyone who is looking for online training.  The value is fantastic and the experience has been phenomenal!  

I could not ask for a better coach!"

-- Linda Mertens

Coaching Application

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone Number

    Have you ever participated in online training before?

    What are your specific, short term (3-6 month) goals?

    Any special considerations, limitations, or health concerns?

    Describe your exercise history. What do you enjoy doing?

    How would you rate your current level of fitness?


    Why do you want to work with me? i.e. How can I help you be more awesome?