I help people get in the best shape of their lives.

Real Success Stories From People Just Like You...

“I decided to join a gym after hitting my eight month pregnancy weight (without actually being pregnant again). I was skeptical to invest in a personal trainer because of past history with other gyms. When I met with Zack, I sat in his office and cried because I was overwhelmed and upset at what poor health I let myself get in. I was so worried about everything and everyone around me that I stopped taking time to take care of myself.

Zack has been an instrumental part of getting my life back.

Throughout our time working together, he has always been compassionate about what’s going on in my life and making sure that I was taking care of my mind and body.  From day one Zack has kept me motivated and accountable for my own success. We worked together to set goals and determine what worked for me.

Zack taught me how to use the muscles correctly and do all the exercises the right way. I had never worked out with kettlebells or attempted to do deadlifts or back squats.  I never would have thought that I'd be doing 35 lb Turkish get-ups, 175 lb deadlifts, 155 lb back squats or 1-legged pistol squats.  Zack also made sure I understood the role of supplements, eating right and what turned out to be the most important thing for my weight loss - sleep!

I'm more efficient with work and found the balance in my life that I was lacking.  It all came from taking care of myself and sticking to the program Zack helped me establish.

In the past five months of working with Zack I have lost 35 lbs and gone from 32% to 18% body fat.  I am in the best shape of my life and feel amazing!"   --- Sheila

"When I moved to Charlotte, my biggest concern was losing the routine I had worked so hard to establish.  I worked with a trainer in DC for 18 months before I relocated.  I was concerned that I would lose my routine and fall back into my former inactive/workaholic lifestyle.  I had very high expectations on what I was looking for in a trainer as well as the type of training I wanted to do.  I had honestly given up on finding that in Charlotte. 

Even though the gym is a bit of a commute, I decided to give it a shot since Zack had been recommended.  After the very first training session, I was thrilled because I knew this was going to be a good fit for me.  

Zack has exceeded my expectations as a trainer and coach in every regard

I have seen significant progress just in the few months that I have been working with him. He pushes me to work hard and to be better, but never to the point where I want to give up.

My favorite part of training has been achieving things I never imagined I could. 

On my first day of training, Zack had me write down a list of any goals that I could think of. At the time, most of the goals seemed somewhat unattainable. I have already accomplished so much more than I would have thought possible.

I feel like each training session is just that — training. I am not just doing a random workout, I am training towards all of the goals that I have set. Each time I hit a PR or am able to do something that I had not been able to do before, it is incredibly motivating to me. I look forward to every training session as I know that each one gets me that much closer to my goals.

Zack has shown me what I am capable of, and as a very goal-oriented person, that is extremely motivating to me. I am the strongest that I have ever been.

I recommend Zack to pretty much anyone that I talk to. 

Everyone knows how important my training sessions are to me and how much of a relief it has been to me to have found such an amazing trainer.  

He has a way of making all of his clients feel as if they are his only client.  He is professional, encouraging and puts you at ease from the moment that you meet him.  He also helps to push you past any limits that you have set for yourself and realize your potential.

In 3 months, I lost almost 20 pounds and my body fat decreased from 33% to 25%, and I gained a newfound love of strength training and working towards my goals.

My decision to train with Zack was the absolute best decision!   I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to train with someone of his caliber.”

— Tracy 

I don’t know why I joined a gym again... maybe it was looking in the mirror one day and finally getting fed up with what I saw, and saying to myself – it’s now or never.

That's when Zack Henderson entered my life and I believe he is one of the best trainers out there.

I think the biggest concern when you hire someone is you think – Are they going to back up what they say?  Zack delivered more than I expected. 

I never believed I could transform my body. I thought I was doomed to be overweight the rest of my life.

If somebody like me who never exercised at all (and never liked it) can achieve the results I have, then trust me, anyone out there who wants to change their body, mindset and ultimately their lifestyle, CAN DO THIS TOO!!!

My favorite part of training was actually seeing the results.  That was worth every minute of hard training and every penny spent!

I have already recommended Zack to family/friends and will continue to do so.  But all I have to say is, if you want someone that can actually do what they say they can do and give you the result you are looking for, then go with Zack Henderson!

His positive attitude makes you want to continue to work hard.  Step 1 of my training was weight loss, and that was definitely a success (44 lbs down) and I feel absolutely amazing; and, I have no doubt that Step 2 of my training (the strength phase) will be just as successful!

I have had other trainers in the past, but nobody like Zack.  

Most importantly, he never gave up on me. 

Another important thing I got from this training is an elevation of my self esteem and confidence; they have both jumped 100%.  

Not only has my body greatly improved, but my mindset has also.

All I can say is THANKS ZACK — for transforming not only my body (and giving me boundless energy), but also my mind and my lifestyle to a more healthier and happier state!  As to the future, I just want to keep getting stronger and stronger, and by continuing to work with Zack, I know I will get get there!”

— Mame

"... quite frankly, he's just pretty fun to hang out with." - Max Shank

“Zack is the best trainer ever. Since working with Zack, I have lost 12 pounds. He is so knowledgeable on the key elements to becoming fit.

My goal is to lead a healthy lifestyle and Zack is helping me to reach that goal. He is truly inspirational and I really appreciate him and all he does!  

I had a bad experience with a trainer in my past. This trainer did not listen to my goals and I ended wasting money. However, Zack helped me overcome those fears. HE IS THE BEST!”  

--- Tee

“Zack and I crossed paths years ago when we taught at a StrongFirst certification together.  We stayed connected over the years until I moved to Nashville and was finally able to experience his training in person.  

As a chiropractic physician and strength coach, I can confidently say Zack is one of the most skilled professionals out there.  

He's done exceptional work with me personally in getting my fitness back after several challenging years of personal struggle.  In addition to his skill, he's a genuine guy who truly cares about the people he works with.  I'm honored to call him a friend and colleague.

If you have the opportunity to work with Zack, take it.  He can change your life."

--- Anthony Aamodt, DC, MS, CCSP, CSCS, StrongFirst Elite  

“Yes, it’s true – I’d never been to a gym in my life.  Not even when I was 15... really!

In December, I decided to join a gym, with the encouragement of my wife, and my great kids.  Although I am 44 years old, I was scared to join.  It was over-whelming and a little nerve-wracking.

I met Zack, and hired him as my personal trainer; the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. 

He started with me from the very basics, like a Kindergarten kid. He taught me everything I’ve learned, was very patient, helpful, and knowledgable. 

I can't say enough about him.  He is awesome. 

Well, when I first started, I weighed 229 lbs, with his help, I now weigh 181 lbs. 

Thanks, Zack, you’re the best!”

— Mike

 "I started with Zack 6 years ago to help me train for my first Spartan Trifecta.

I appreciated the effort and intelligence he brought to our sessions so when he moved, I stayed on with his programming virtually. 

Everything is balanced and he's taught me a lot about strength and the importance of mobility.

I've been injury-free for years and I look forward to many more."

— Tom Kitrick, Top Ranked Spartan Racer

 "I honestly cannot find the words to describe how amazing it is to work with Zack.

When I started, my goal was to maintain my weight, increase my strength, and tone up and I've been able to do just that and much more.

With Zack's coaching and motivation, I've been able to get my body fat as low as 19% while setting personal records in the powerlifts and even doing 11 weighted pull-ups!!!

If you're looking for a trainer with a great personality, someone who's flexible and extremely knowledgeable, Zack is your guy!"  --- Meghan Bradsher-James

“Before I signed up to train with Zack, I had the motivation to get fit, but not much direction.  Zack is a fantastic instructor, and always keep every training session interesting, from what exercises we’ll be working on, to random bits of trivia. 

Even when I’m about to collapse from the intense activity, I'm usually laughing too.

I really appreciate his coaching style where we talk about daily and weekly goals that I can do to build momentum, as well as longterm fitness goals to work towards.

 I would recommend Zack to anyone young or old, at any fitness level! 

I can’t speak highly enough of his skill, training, and easy personality!!!” 

— Rachel 

“When I met Zack I was not only impressed with how he was interested in my goals, but also the knowledge he shared with me.

Every question I would ask, he would have a complete answer, example, and solution... Bam!!!  That's what I'm talkin' about.

The guy really knows his stuff and it shows.

Though I was skeptical about personal training, I decided to start with Zack and I'm so glad I did.

I am so much stronger now and doing push-ups, lifting heavy weights, and even pull-ups! Whoop! Whoop!

Zack is a wonderful trainer and I can gladly say, my friend.  

I enjoy starting my day with Zack Strong!!!  Thank You!”  --- Shavone Clifton

“After herniating my L5 disc performing a squat incorrectly, I joined up with Zack to pursue my weight lifting goals and do it right this time. 

We hashed out all the exercises that aggravated my back and found workarounds. Zack educated me on what it means to weight lift and how to get those results through basic techniques.

I’ve hit personal records on the bench press, deadlift, chin-up, and kettlebell swings multiple times

He knows what he is talking about, how to read you, and get the best results from you. There is only one condition – You have to want it. Zack will do the rest.”

--- David

“I’ve had a few other personal trainers in the past and I was never especially happy with my results. 

I told Zack this the day I met him. 

He’s been, by far, the best I’ve worked with

In addition to introducing me to kettlebells – which I’ve learned to actually like, Zack understands my long term goals and is helping me attain those. He has taught me how to incorporate those goals into shorter term results and, maybe most importantly, he has taught me that it is okay to struggle with new exercises or new weights. 

He has also helped me to understand the truth behind the statement: “Progress, not Perfection.”

In the months we’ve trained together, I’ve set a whole bunch of amazing PRs; more importantly, I’ve noticed improvements in every aspect of my fitness – coordination, strength, confidence and consistency."

I told Zack there are 7 ways he stands out:

You listen. You don’t have seem to have some pre-determined idea of what a person *should* do. You listen to what they want (and, at least in my case, don’t want) and you plan accordingly.

You show interest. You seem to be genuinely interested in helping your clients succeed. In being … better. Along with this, you help people organize their fitness. In my previous experiences, training felt chaotic, almost haphazard.

You motivate. I’m not sure I can explain this very well. You make people want to do better, without ever telling them they HAVE to. You have a way of creating a desire in people to improve.

You're never condescending. This point may seem minor, but nothing makes me angrier than haughtiness. It goes with the last point, too, but it never feels like you’re judging.

You guide. You provide a lot of guidance. For me, it is in the way of articles and things I can read to help me understand *why* or *how* to do something better. It is similar to listening. You know what I want and what I need and you guide accordingly.

You’re approachable. Let’s face it, Zack, you are friendly.  You make people feel comfortable with you.

You’re attentive. You pay attention when we are training. Again, it may sound minor but it’s not. It means a lot to me to know that you are actually paying attention to what we are doing and not being distracted by someone else in the gym.

— Lynnette Deem

“My goals for fitness as an ‘aging adult’ are: remain capable of being active, maintain overall strength, continue to address areas of weakness, e.g. flexibility and balance. 

I believe his experience with yoga allowed him to start where I was. His emphasis on breathing and stretching, increasing muscular strength through tension, and insisting on proper technique for each exercise correlate best with what I am practicing in yoga.

My sessions with Zack were, to me, eye-opening

Most of them involved no equipment more complicated than a mat, and simple but challenging exercises and poses that involved circles, twists, massage, bends, flexion, and extensions. The simple challenge of rising from a supine position (Turkish get-up) as an exercise in coordination, strength, and balance; planks and push-ups that actually engage the whole body; becoming conscious of ankles, lower back, toes, shoulders, and simple exercises to engage them.

Zack has helped me fill in a lot of gaps and round out my fitness program: resistance, cardio, yoga, and what I call ‘Zack’s stuff’ (which, of course employs them all but with no machines or complicated equipment necessary). This means my workouts are always challenging but never dull. (Dullness, the enemy to staying fit!)  

Zack is patient, positive, encouraging, inventive, knowledgeable, and very intelligent.”  — Ken

I am an SFGII/SFL certified coach and personal trainer.  I've been in the industry since 2004 and have an extensive background in endurance as well as kettlebell training.  I wanted to attend a StrongFirst barbell certification but had very little experience with barbells, plus I wanted to work on my strength so I hired Zack as my coach.

started training with Zack with the goal of attending and passing an SFL (which I did EASILY, I might add) and possibly doing a powerlifting meet.  Zack was the right fit for me as he has extensive barbell experience as well as coaching powerlifters.

I was extremely hesitant to do online coaching.  I had done it in the past and it was not a good experience.  Zack is really setting the bar high for online training.  

Zack is always available via email for questions and responds promptly.  We have coaching calls to go over training. I send videos of all my major lifts for feedback.  Zack listens to my concerns and is extremely supportive of my goals.

My favorite part of coaching with Zack that it is collaborative.  I have some input into programming.  I also like that we have strength phases as well as hypertrophy phases. I am also getting stronger as I get older and that is a great thing at the age of 51!

I recommend Zack to everyone who is looking for online training.  The value is fantastic and the experience has been phenomenal!  

I could not ask for a better coach." --- Linda Mertens

"I started working with Zack when my previous coach pivoted her business to another specialty. I had tremendously enjoyed the experience of 1:1 coaching and the results were incredible. I needed to find a new coach who could program for a 50-year old woman with a history of athletic training (and the injuries and strength imbalances to prove it.)

There were two "must haves" on the list:

1. Expertise in programming for people with my combination of serious goals + age bracket

2. Serious Hardstyle kettlebell expertise 

I had followed Zack for a while, often referring to his amazing (and free!) movement content on YouTube, and I really appreciated his helpful coaching cues. He coaches competitive strength athletes (including Masters). Plus he's a genuinely kind, fun human! It was an easy decision to work with him.

What a great decision it turned out to be. Working with a coach you find on the internet and never met in person could be really challenging--but working with Zack couldn't be easier nor could it feel more supportive. From the initial onboarding to the programming documentation (and video support) to post-workout updates to weekly reviews and regular calls, it's just really easy to know what I need to do, when, and how, and to report back how it all went.

Zack's programming is creative, thoughtful, goal-oriented, personalized, and a little bit uncanny. The first program included some things I wasn't sure I could do -- he was right then and he continues to accurately predict what will be challenging but achievable. That said, rarely do I end a workout feeling anything but fantastic. 

Plus, I've crossed two goals off the list already: "Simple" and the Snatch Test. 

Of course that means new goals are added: I'm looking at you, "Sinister" and state-level USAPL deadlift record. Zack is terrific at encouraging new goals and jumps right in to support them with safe and sane programming. 

I can't wait to see what we can achieve together going forward!" -- Emme

PS - I am CONTINUALLY amazed and grateful for your creativity in programming.  The day I decided to work with you was a very smart day in my history. 

 "After 3 years, Zack's training has made me a better person - physically and mentally.

I believe my attitude, energy, and stamina are all good for my age thanks to my weekly sessions with Zack." --- Max Haught

"My experience with Zack has been the best decision I have made thus far in my strength and fitness journey. 

His attention to detail, insight and straight up expertise is beyond impressive. Zack’s ability to tailor and customize a program based on my goals has delivered results that went beyond my expectations. 

Since working with Zack and sticking to his program, I have put on noticeable muscle and have gotten significantly stronger as a result. I would recommend him to anyone who is serious about kettlebell hard-style mastery and gaining strength. Thanks to Zack’s coaching, I feel confident to aggressively go after a SFG1 certification at 50 years old and COMPETE with candidates 20-30 years younger than me.

My favorite part of the coaching program is the targeted and relevant 1:1 coaching and the customized training plan that follows. I also appreciate how available and responsive you are to questions and ongoing advice. 

You truly are MY coach. --- Jeff Glueck, SFG

"Working with you, I experienced a level of support I had never had from prior coaching.

I always enjoy your enthusiasm surrounding my efforts and successes, as well as your eagerness to provide knowledge and educate me on WHY we were doing things and how we can do things best. I always know you have my overall health and wellness as your first priority. Even further, you pushed me to set goals for myself, which no other coaching experience has done that for me!

Your positivity and enthusiasm, combined with your extensive knowledge, experience, and client successes, made it a no brainer to hire you!"    -- Stephanie

"Hey, my name is Vanessa and I'm a personal trainer, student of strength, kettlebell nerd, and gym owner in Nashville, TN.

Zack is one of my coaches, a friend, and someone I respect and trust in this industry.

I absolutely love learning from Zack.  

Not only as a student, but as a coach as well.

He helped me finally achieve PRs on pull-ups and deadlifts with programming that's fun and keeps you excited for every phase of training.

The energy he brings to training is confident and encouraging.  He's an incredible teacher with so much knowledge to give.  I am grateful for him and his passion for helping his students, his community, and his fellow coaches."  -- Vanessa Edwards, SFG

"Would definitely recommend Zack.  

It's a pretty easy relationship - he tells you what to do, you go do it, and then you reevaluate what's working and what needs to be changed.

Repeat until you're like "Oh shit, I'm strong now."

The flexibility of the coaching is amazing. We had to work around a pretty severe rib injury and a surgery, and Zack was totally fine with adapting to keep improving what could be improved. He was pretty straight forward about telling me what goals should be the most important.

Zack's programming does what it says on the label. I got stronger, I got bigger, and I never felt like I couldn't handle the volume or the intensity. I tore an oblique in jiu jitsu, had to train around it, and still managed to set a deadlift PR, a press PR, and a pull-up PR within two months of the injury." -- Brad

"I’ve worked with Zack for 3 months now. In that time, I’ve seen significant improvement in my movement, strength and mobility.

I sought Zack out after watching his injury recovery videos and, having a similar injury, I was looking for support figuring out what I could do to fully recover and get in even better shape. 

Zack has been wonderful. 

The exercises he recommends have been doable at home and/or in a gym - feasible and on target to my needs. 

I went from barely being able to walk, to walking miles at a time... plus having more strength in my whole body. 

I can’t recommend Zack enough. 

He is wonderful to work with and carefully discusses your goals and needs to create a plan that will fit you and the space you have.." -- Caterina

"Working with Zack has been a great experience.  He's patient, attentive, and a good listener.  If you are looking for programming and a coaching experience that's not of the commonplace, impersonal, one-program-fits-all variety - Zack is your guy!

Zack genuinely cares about my goals and designs programs accordingly. He seems to be equally skilled at knowing just how much to push and deciding when to dial things back.

Zack is genuine and it comes through right away. Zack assisted at my Level 1 StrongFirst kettlebell certification weekend & I was very impressed by his skill and knowledge of all things kettlebells. A few months later I found out he also coached powerlifting and I couldn't hire him as a coach fast enough - best decision ever!!

I was very hesitant to engage an online coach and discussed this with Zack during our first coaching communication. Zack didn't push me to commit to a lengthy package up front, which I appreciated. 

We are now more than a year into our coaching relationship, and rather than pressuring me to continue with his services he puts his energy into earning my business every chance he can. 

He is a great coach and an ethical businessman. -- Lisa Perry, SFG

Fitness Business Consulting

Are you a fitness coach and could use some help with:

- Starting online or in-person training business

- Developing a coaching methodology 

- Writing & filming content

- Programming

- Product creation

Click here to reach out about business mentorship opportunities.

"I wouldn't be the coach I am today without Zack."

"I had been thinking of becoming an online trainer for a while, but was having a really hard time starting from ground zero.

Sure, I knew the general concepts of WHAT an online trainer did, but I couldn't organize my thoughts in a linear enough pattern to jumpstart the endeavor.  I knew if I wanted to become a successful, organized, and focused entrepreneur, and ultimately - the best online trainer I could be, I would need to hire someone that would hold me accountable to goal-setting sessions and action items.

As any "keys to entrepreneurial success" article will tell you, it's vital to "hire your weaknesses."  I knew that identifying my top priorities, organizing a step-by-step action list and executing the appropriate tasks to get me from A to Z are my strongest weaknesses (see what I did there?).  

Hiring Zack was a no-brainer.  At least my priorities could tell me that much!

What I lack in these skills he has developed 10x in both his consulting services and within his own business. 

Zack is easily on of the most productive yet humble coaches I have come across in my circle of Fit Pros.  These qualities are reflective in both his work as a strength coach and his work as a business mentor.  I mean, have you seen his Instagram feed?  The quality, intent, and focus he brings to each post in unparalleled and yet he makes it seem so effortless. 

As someone who truly struggles with focusing on what matters most, I often feel very scrambled.  However, Zack helps to make any chaotic element of your business feel controlled and intentional.  His objective with every piece of advice is laser-focused and he is always thinking 5 steps ahead of the ultimate "homework" he will assign you.  Luckily I don't need to even think about the next task, he only asks me to think of the task-at-hand - I always trust the path he's guiding me along.

A point should also be made about "what happens when you miss an assignment" - I've heard of many coaches and mentors guilt-tripping their clients for being late on a task.  I do not make my clients feel like shit for missing a workout, so I wouldn't hire a coach who would do that to me.  Zack as never made me feel scolded for being late on an assignment.  Instead, he'll ask the relevant questions as to "what is really holding you back?" and before you realize it, you're on a new task that will only serve to make the first one stronger and more efficient!

He's a friggin surgeon with his step-by-step action plans and it is inspiring just to be on of his students!

Perhaps it's the way he talks to you on the phone, or perhaps it's in the spot-on suggestions he offers to compliment your chaotic neuroticism, nevertheless Zack always has a unique way of making you feel like you're his only client.  

And that is not easy in this industry, regardless if you're a personal trainer or fitness business consultant.  I look forward to our phone calls because no matter how scrambled, overwhelmed, or clueless I may feel before getting on the phone with hime, I always transcend into a state of eagerness and inspiration within minutes of chatting.

Zack's bite-sized advice and action items are always targeted at my biggest struggle points and I never feel overwhelmed by the tasks he assigns me.  There is an invaluable feeling that comes with being held accountable to my own business that one might use the phrase "PRICELESS!" in describing the sensation.

Zack has a keen sense of asking the essential questions that force you to think deeper and explore your own career objectives, "whys" and how to better connect the dots between them.  I've honestly started to ask myself "What would Zack do?" whenever I confront an overwhelming task or unsatisfied outcome in my business.  The ability to get self-reflective and draw inspiration from my mentor is truly one of the main benefits I have gleaned from working with Zack.

In just the past 3 months, I have increased my email subscription list by 75%, honed my writing skills to be more concise and personable, expanded my presence on social media, and organized my online training templates and workbooks that have my clients personally complimenting me for the edits! 

When the option to renew services with him came up, I laughed at myself that it was even an "option."

When you're an online coach, you take on multiple roles: you're the receptionist, tech support, the face on the posters, the owner and daily operator, the financial advisor, AND the friggin coach writing all the programs!  Unless you hire out these positions, not a likely option when you're first starting out, you must figure out a way to focus up and do the work.  

Zack makes it easy to break up those jobs into simple tasks and get you started with what matters NOW!  In fact, I have my call with Zack tomorrow to determine my current top priority, I'm sure I'll have even more good things to share after that phone call 😉 "

 --- Nikki Veit, SFG, nvstrongtraining.com

"Zack provided an incredible mentorship for my first online launch."

"Working with Zack was easily one of the best decisions I have made as a coach.

Our weekly calls were always aligned with where I was and what I needed next.

Zack not only helped me address my gaps and areas of growth, but affirmed my strengths and what I was already doing well.

Beyond that, he included excellent resources from programming to writing to business models and scaling.

He truly packed 3 years worth of lessons into 3 months.

I have added all the missing tools to my toolkit, while sharpening those I already have." -- Eli Phillips

Fitness Seminars

Interested in a one-of-a-kind educational experience for your gym staff or members?

Click here to reach out about seminar opportunities.

Topics may include basic to advanced kettlebell technique, powerlifting training, mobility, hypertrophy, coaching skills, and programming.

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