Who needs a stronger back?

I do.

And you, most likely.

A strong back will make you… well, stronger, and also help combat “desk hunch.”

Pull-ups (weighted) are my personal favorite way to train the back.  However, the muscles benefit from a combination of both vertical (elbows up/down) and horizontal (elbows back/forth) pulling moves.

The barbell row is a great horizontal pull option when performed correctly, of course.  Reference the video above to help with that.

Row variations of some kind should probably be done every training session to balance pressing moves.

Here’s an example with bodyweight exercises:

A) Bodyweight Row x 12

B) Paused Push-ups x 8

For Pendlay rows, I’d recommend keeping the reps on the lower side, 4-6, to ensure the highest quality execution.

Oh, and have you seen the Smarter Strength Course?  If you like the idea of getting really, really strong, I think you’ll like it